Thursday, December 16, 2010

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

New Music Alert (The Rescues; Paris Carney)

At least new to me...

I went Monday night to hear singer-songwriter Paris Carney at Room 5, and then onto Hotel Cafe to see The Rescues. I love nights when a friend calls and says, "Hey, want to go hear this singer/band," and I go with no prior knowledge of the band or their music...and then leave with at least one or two new songs that I immediately want to go buy. It's hard for any music group to completely win me over these days...I used to think it was all or nothing. Or at least I used to be an all or nothing fan. But these days I'm finding something to appreciate in everyone.

First off, Room 5 is a very cool little venue. It's a small lounge above a restaurant on La Brea. There's a small bar and probably 10 round tables with 4 or 5 bright red vintage chairs around each of them. Monday night is singer-songwriter night, and because we already had tickets to Hotel Cafe, we only went to hear one artist. Paris Carney was a little mix of Taylor Swift, Demi Lovato, and A Fine Frenzy, three singers I'm a fan of. Her songs were catchy and she let two of her friends come up and sing songs of their own during her set (giving time to the lesser known...great quality). She was spunky and sweet, and a little ditzy without being dumb or annoying.

Here is one of her songs sung at Room 5 (but not on Monday).

Then onto Hotel Cafe (which we all know is one of my favorite places in the world). First off, it was packed! I haven't seen that many people in that small space since probably Rachael Yamagata (who I worship). The band was not quite what I expected. The Rescues are two guys and two girls all singing different versus, songs, and harmonies in a way that pretty much reminds me of a country band or a praise and worship band that has released a secular album. They sounded great, but the problem with hearing a band you don't know for the first time is all of the songs pretty much sound the same, not a bad thing if you like the sound. I don't know if the sound as a whole won me over, but there were two songs that definitely stood out to me.

BREAK ME OUT (this is apparently their "big" hit)


I read that they've had songs on both One Tree Hill and Grey's Anatomy (two great shows to discover new music), thought I can't really picture their songs working for the montage scenes that both these shows are known for. I'll have to go back and search out the episodes.

All-in-all, a nice night of music. My life wasn't changed, but definitely enhanced. And I left being haunted by the line "I wanna see the sunrise from anywhere but here." I have a feeling it'll be following me around for awhile...always the mark of a good song.