Thursday, October 28, 2010


Enchanted - Taylor Swift
Speak Now

No judging! This was really the only album release I could get excited about this week, and have now listened to it...a couple of times. I'm going to compile a playlist for October (I think that'll be my next strategy) of new music for the whole month...15-17 songs. But for now, this song will not leave my head.

And I kind of like it.

I'm single, that's no big surprise to anyone. Any of one my friends can give you their theory on why that is, but the truth being, I just don't very often find people that 1) Intrigue me, 2) Make me smile, and 3) I'm attracted to. I feel like in order to start a relationship, those 3 things have to be present. There is another list of "requirements" and "deal breakers" but those things come later. These 3 have to be there from the first meeting. And recently, in the past 2 months really, I have met 3 people that do all of the above. I wouldn't call them crushes per se, but I do find my mind drifting to them, and the thoughts that come make me both smile and become a little more curious about who these people really are.

And then came "Enchanted." It's basically the story of a girl (Taylor) who meets a boy, and for all intensive purposes, nothing happens. Except she spends the rest of the night wondering about him, small day dreams, simple hopes that maybe there could be something more than a slight spark.

"I was enchanted to meet you." I love how that phrase sounds. It's a more beautiful version of intrigue, but it's curiousity with fire. And that's how I feel, curiousity with fire...not just questions, but feelings that go with the questions. I don't know what those feelings are, but it might be nice to find out. Or not, and the simple act of just meeting in passing, nice conversations, and lasting smiles that leave me warm is all it was meant to be. It's a nice change of pace.


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